Monday, March 21, 2005

Poem by Edwin Zane

My life
I can’t believe what I’m seeing
I forsaken my savior and still I need healing
Can’t comprehend
All of the pain that I caused
I am scared and amazed of all the joy that I lost

My eyes they are closed
Mad cuz I ain’t sleepin
I open my mouth
Hurt cuz I ain’t speaking
I feel like a bastard
Cuz I served a new master
Confusion gets faster
And I don’t have an answer
And lord did I fail you
After all that we had
When I want to admit
It felt good to be bad?

I run not walk
to the cross that you laid
I open my heart
And I start to pray

I’m Sorry

Oh my Lord
Why do you think I confessed
All the pain and suffering my heart need to profess
And it’s late
There’s not a soul I can call
And darkness invades and I just hit the wall

Lord I question the hurting
Why you gave me this burden
Don’t want to challenge the kingdom
Don’t want to mock at your wisdom
I can not begin to move mountains
I don’t know how to part oceans
I can not topple the nations
But I can make dedication
Sick and tired of sinning
Giving myself to the living
Want to stop the spinning
Cuz the devil keep winning
I run not walk
to the cross that you laid
I open my heart
And I start to pray

I’m Sorry

I want your strength in me
I want your lasting joy
I want the pain to end
So forgive me so I can start over again

I’m Sorry… I’m Sorry

Wonderings by Lori Morse

I am not ready.
distracted by my own circumstances,
by life as it is, by inner thoughts, outer influences of this chaotic, fleshly town...
If you road in on that donkey
today, in my time,
I think I would be on the side of the road.
Watching others welcome you,
Palm branches waving,
waving not.
Hosannas ringing in my ears,
shouting not.

I do not feel clean.
Jesus, will you wash me this week?
As Peter exclaimed, " not only my feet, but my hands and head as well!"
Holy Spirit will you whisper and call me...
Make me ready to embrace once again
Your offering to me,
Your suffering for me,
Your power of LOVE for me.
I wish my heart to connect not only with how you died,
but mostly...
that YOU LIVE!

by Lori Morse
Scripture references:
Matt. 21:4-11
John 13:3-17

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Steve Seamnads Sermon Quote #2

Christ's grace not only enables us to embrace and endure suffering, it also transforms us through our suffering. Suffering we feared would be destructive becomes redemptive. Self-destroying, spirit-depleting suffering turns into self-enlarging, spirit-strengthening suffering. The suffering we were so determined to avoid increases our passion for life. We discover treasures in darkness as said in Isaiah 45:3.

Steve Seamands Sermon Quote

At the cross, hearts burdened with disappointment can again become burning hearts. And burning hearts will inevitably become bold ones - Steve Seamands

Hold fast to Him

Hold fast to Him
by Diane Thompsonn
Friend, do not faint beside the way Remember always,
come what may, That God can all your fears allay. Hold
fast to Him.
Forsaken by your fellowman,
Alone with no more strength to stand,
Reach to clasp God's outstretched Hand.
Hold fast to Him.
When even Christian friends spread doubt,
God has all power, He can rout
The fear within, the foe without.
Hold fast to Him
Where is the joy that is your might?
Why can you not see the light?
Walk by faith and not by sight.
Hold fast to Him
God feels your pain; He hears your cry,
He's promised help; on the rely!
He's not a man that He should lie.
Hold fast to Him
In Him is rest and perfect peace,
The power to make all storm winds cease,
His victory brings sweet release.
Hold fast to Him. Hold fast to Him

The Cross at Ichthus '94

The Cross at Ichthus '95 Posted by Hello

Friday, March 18, 2005

Crucified Posted by Hello

The Empty Cross Posted by Hello

The First Wondering

This is a window into the meaning of the cross. Absorbing the worst that human beings can offer-crooked religiosity, petty political systems, individual betrayal, physical torture with whip and thorn and nail and hammer and spear-Jesus enters into the center of the thunderstorm of human evil and takes it full shock on the cross. Our evil is brutally, unmistakably exposed, drawn into broad daylight, and judged-named and shown for what it is. Then, having felt its agony and evil firsthand, in person, Jesus pronounces forgiveness and demonstrates that the grace of God is more powerful and expansive than the evil of humanity. Justice and mercy kiss; judgment and forgiveness embrace. From their marriage a new future is conceived - Brian McLaren